
JUST COOK Tika Tunu Programme

JUST COOK Tika Tunu programmes are delivered in partnership with other organisations supporting some of our community’s most vulnerable. Some communities we’ve worked with include:

  • high needs and often hard to reach communities, eg residents at HomeGround, Auckland City Mission,
  • communities in the far north,
  • teens, eg teen mums in Kaikohe,
  • new mums with postnatal depression in Auckland,
  • Māori & Pacific communities and their whanau.

These weekly hands-on, free sessions over four to six weeks give participants increased knowledge around healthy food shopping on a budget, confidence in making nutritious meals for their whānau, and improved confidence and self-esteem.

The benefits: Families and whānau who eat well have a better chance of maintaining good mental and physical wellbeing, avoiding diseases like type 2 diabetes, managing their often very tight household budgets, and staying in their communities as they age.

Some of our participants feedback:

” I’ve become confident to let my kids join in and cook with me. The kids love it! They feel proud of themselves to learn with us and then the meals are delicious, so they love it!”

“I learned how to use food parcel ingredients to make nutritious meals. I love that you’re using a small range of ingredients and things that we can afford; it’s within our range and budget.”

“We are cooking so much more and have saved money on getting take-aways as well- we’ve barely had takeaways since you taught us these meals.”

“I loved learning how to cook beans & legumes (lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, etc) – and make them really tasty. I previously thought I hated beans but now that I’ve tried these recipes, I’m really enjoying them.”

“I’m adding more flavours to my food because now I know how to use some of the herbs and spices in my cupboards.”

“We’ve learned about using things around us – like the fruit trees at the back of our house to make crumbles for dessert.”


If you are interested in attending a programme or would like to work with us to hold a programme in your community, please contact us here.


Last modified: August 27, 2024